typename jon_traits<< T >>::blog In templates we trust

Game Dev Tools

Here is a list of all of the game development tools that I find interesting as an amateur. Tools are organized into sections with brief explanations. Items are roughly sorted in order of my personal preference. Additionally, some entries will have icons next to them. The key is as follows:

  • 💸 The tool in question has a monetary cost. They still may include free options.
  • 🐣 I believe the tool in question is very good for beginners.
  • ❗❗ The tool in question is more geared towards experienced users.
  • ⏲ The tool is in beta - not ready for full use, but worth keeping tabs on.


Game Development can generally happen at 3 levels of abstraction:

  • Game Engines, which contain integrated visual editors and are jam packed with tools out of the box.
  • Frameworks, which are large, opinionated code libraries that help you rapidly code a game from scratch with basic functionality like graphics, audio, and basic networking
  • Libraries, which are generally single purpose for a particular programming language. For example a game may opt to use a particular library specifically for loading png images from disk into a format usable by their game.

Fair warning that the lines between these can get blurry.

Game Engines



❗❗ Libraries



Sprite Art






Books / Blogs


Editing the Godot Editor

This article will cover my experience playing with the Godot editor’s source code, and encapsulate practical examples of the lessons I try and teach juniors that are navigating a new code-base for the first time.


If you want to get to the thick of things, skip this section. (If you’re anything like me, the first 10-15% of every youtube video or blog post being irrelevant to the overall content drives you nuts, so I’m trying to help you out!)

At the current stage of my career, mentoring has been one of my most important responsibilities. I frequently find myself helping juniors cultivate the techniques they’ll need to navigate a large, foreign code-base (though the code bases we put them on are hardly “large” in an absolute sense). Yet much of my recent work touches the same handful of repos, many of which are at least partly my brainchild. I couldn’t help but realize that it had been some years since I directly worked on a large, foreign code-base…

I pondered this on the way to my summer vacation, where I would be meeting up with my siblings, nieces, and nephews for the first time in half a year or so. A particular children’s exhibit we were visiting featured a Space-Invaders-like game, an my nephews penchant for crushing any high score I set inspired me to finally try out RayLib, and compare it with Godot 4.2.2.

My earnest interest in making games began when I was around 12 years old, and my sister bought me RPG Maker XP. While comfortable with a computer, I had no idea how programming languages worked, so I was resigned to tweaking existing Ruby scripts and programming logic through GUIs. Despite the tedium, I absolutely loved making tile maps:

The Mission

The most important tool in my tool-belt was the ellipse brush. After a few clicks, it was virtually impossible to not create interesting looking islands:

This was my most desired missing feature when previously using Godot. To my dismay, despite all of the excellent tile map additions they had made in the past couple of years, an ellipse tool was still missing. And as such, my adventure begins…

From the Top Down

The great part about editing an application you have used before is that you have existing keywords and concepts you can map from functionality back to source code. For instance, looking at the “TileMap” editor, I can see there is a “Rect” button:

These make for easy keyword searches. Looking at the godot repo, I see the following directories:

|-- .github/
|-- core/
|-- doc/
|-- drivers/
|-- editor/
|-- main/
|-- misc/
|-- modules/
|-- platform/
|-- scene/
|-- servers/
|-- tests/
`-- thirdparty/

Clearly, I am working on the editor, so editor seems like a good bet for where to search. The next directory down does not contain any files containing the word “tile”, so my search continues:

|-- debugger/
|-- export/
|-- gui/
|-- icons/
|-- import/
|-- plugins/
|-- project_manager/
|-- themes/
`-- translations/

I know Godot supports plugins, often applications that support plugins implement core functionality in terms of plugins (QtCreator immediately coming to mind), so I have a lucky first guess and check plugins/, which contains a tiles/ sub-directory. I open tile_map_editor.cpp/.h and I’m off to the races!

I want to place my “Ellipse” brush next to the “Rect” brush, so I simply search for “rect” in the file, and vuala, the first text that greets me in the header file is:

Button *rect_tool_button = nullptr;

At this point, I feel confident that I’m at least on the right track, so now I just need to see if I can build the code. Thankfully, the godot project has a handy Compiling From Source link directly in its README file. Using the magic of “Reading the Friendly Manual,” I have Scons successfully building an x64 Debug project via Visual Studio 2022*:

$ scons platform=windows vsproj=yes dev_build=yes

The docs even tell me I can build from within Visual Studio in the future. Neat!

*As a NeoVim snob, I am contractually obligated to tell you that I usually use neovim.

Adding a Button

All I do is copy and edit the line:

Button *rect_tool_button = nullptr;
Button *ellipse_tool_button = nullptr;

Next comes a little bit of boilerplate. I just look for where rect_tool_button is used and make a version using ellipse_tool_button. Here’s an interesting one: godot looks up an icon by name:


Surely there’s an existing icon I can borrow. A lot of these names look pretty generic, but “Bucket” seems specific and related enough to narrow down a search:

$ git ls-files '*Bucket*'

One match! Nice and easy! I simply look in that directory for an image name “Elipse”, then “Circle”, and settle on “CircleShape2D”:


Compile (don’t forget to select the x64 configuration), debug, and I see some success:

The Button Should Do Stuff

To start, I just want the button to do something. Duplicating the functionality of the Rect button seems like it should be pretty easy, so let’s start with that. This is a good time to illustrate a point:

1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In other words, try to make your addition look as similar to the existing code as you can.

bool TileMapEditorTilesPlugin::forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
  // ...Omitted for brevity...
} else if (tool_buttons_group->get_pressed_button() == rect_tool_button || (tool_buttons_group->get_pressed_button() == paint_tool_button && Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::SHIFT) && Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::CMD_OR_CTRL))) {
	drag_type = DRAG_TYPE_RECT;
	drag_start_mouse_pos = mpos;
} else if (tool_buttons_group->get_pressed_button() == bucket_tool_button) {
  // ...Omitted for brevity...

I see that we set a DRAG_TYPE_RECT. Do I understand what any of this is really doing? No, not at all. However, I will probably want a DRAG_TYPE_ELLIPSE eventually, so I’ll add one. This is a natural time to discuss the next point:

2. Use the code-base’s preferred tools until when starting out. As you gain more experience and better understand tooling in general, you can break this rule*. However, to get up and running quickly, I want to know auto-complete and debugging will work out of the box.

Turns out, there are two separate enums named DragType. I updated the wrong one at first by mistake. Rather than waiting on the re-compile, my editor immediately told me there was a problem, which allowed me to fix my mistake quickly while it was fresh in my mind.

*Really, there are exceptions to every rule, but you should understand the rules before breaking them.

Take a moment to notice the code I copied. The else if statement is much shorter than the rect_tool_button equivalent.

} else if (tool_buttons_group->get_pressed_button() == ellipse_tool_button) {

The rect_tool_button uses the modifier keys. We don’t want to hijack this behavior!

Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::SHIFT) &&

3. You can’t know what every line of code does before making a change. However, you should do some basic due diligence. At a bare minimum, you should be reading the lines you are copying and modifying to try and gain a baseline understanding for how they work.

We continue searching for rect and updating with an ellipse version. This eventually leads us to the _draw_rect function! My plan was to just duplicate the existing functionality, so I’ll do so in _draw_ellipse. And…

Rats! What does this bug suggest? Well, I copied some parts properly, but must have missed some others. The hunt continues… Turns out I just forgot to search for DRAG_TYPE_RECT in the void TileMapEditorTilesPlugin::_stop_dragging() function. Easy fix.

Who Ordered An Ellipse?

Now we need to edit our _draw_ellipse function to behave as advertised. This is going to be the hard part. We need to understand the draw rect function:

HashMap<Vector2i, TileMapCell> TileMapEditorTilesPlugin::_draw_ellipse(Vector2i p_start_cell, Vector2i p_end_cell, bool p_erase) {
TileMap *tile_map = Object::cast_to<TileMap>(ObjectDB::get_instance(tile_map_id));
if (!tile_map) {
	return HashMap<Vector2i, TileMapCell>();

Ref<TileSet> tile_set = tile_map->get_tileset();
if (!tile_set.is_valid()) {
	return HashMap<Vector2i, TileMapCell>();

// Create the rect to draw.
Rect2i rect = Rect2i(p_start_cell, p_end_cell - p_start_cell).abs();
rect.size += Vector2i(1, 1);

// Get or create the pattern.
Ref<TileMapPattern> erase_pattern;
erase_pattern->set_cell(Vector2i(0, 0), TileSet::INVALID_SOURCE, TileSetSource::INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS, TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE);
Ref<TileMapPattern> pattern = p_erase ? erase_pattern : selection_pattern;

HashMap<Vector2i, TileMapCell> err_output;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(pattern->is_empty(), err_output);

Most of this code is common between _draw_rect and _draw_bucket_fill, so for now we’ll assume they’re not relevant (sans the Rect2i lines).

// Compute the offset to align things to the bottom or right.
bool aligned_right = p_end_cell.x < p_start_cell.x;
bool valigned_bottom = p_end_cell.y < p_start_cell.y;
Vector2i offset = Vector2i(aligned_right ? -(pattern->get_size().x - (rect.get_size().x % pattern->get_size().x)) : 0, valigned_bottom ? -(pattern->get_size().y - (rect.get_size().y % pattern->get_size().y)) : 0);

HashMap<Vector2i, TileMapCell> output;
if (!pattern->is_empty()) {
	if (!p_erase && random_tile_toggle->is_pressed()) {
		// Paint a random tile.
		for (int x = 0; x < rect.size.x; x++) {
			for (int y = 0; y < rect.size.y; y++) {
				Vector2i coords = rect.position + Vector2i(x, y);
				output.insert(coords, _pick_random_tile(pattern));
	} else {
		// Paint the pattern.
		TypedArray<Vector2i> used_cells = pattern->get_used_cells();
		for (int x = 0; x <= rect.size.x / pattern->get_size().x; x++) {
			for (int y = 0; y <= rect.size.y / pattern->get_size().y; y++) {
				Vector2i pattern_coords = rect.position + Vector2i(x, y) * pattern->get_size() + offset;
				for (int j = 0; j < used_cells.size(); j++) {
					Vector2i coords = pattern_coords + used_cells[j];
					if (rect.has_point(coords)) {
						output.insert(coords, TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[j]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[j]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[j])));

return output;

That doesn’t look too bad! But how would I draw an Ellipse? I’m neither a computer graphics programmer by trade, nor the first person to encounter this problem. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to locate an easy draw_ellipse or draw_arc elsewhere in the Godot code-base that is easy for me to cannibalize. A quick google search of “draw ellipse algorithm” tells me to learn more about “Midpoint Algorithms,” specifically Bresenham’s. Time to hit the books! In short, the algorithm seems to plot a point, see which pixel is closer, then select that pixel. It looks like you can simplify a lot of the math as well, particularly when working with integers. I just want to see an ellipse get drawn, so I’m going to adapt Bresenham from zingl.

int32_t x0 = p_start_cell.x;
int32_t y0 = p_start_cell.y;
int32_t x1 = p_end_cell.x;
int32_t y1 = p_end_cell.y;
int32_t a = abs(x1-x0), b = abs(y1-y0), b1 = b&1; /* values of diameter */
int64_t dx = 4*(1-a)*b*b, dy = 4*(b1+1)*a*a; /* error increment */
int64_t err = dx+dy+b1*a*a, e2; /* error of 1.step */

if (x0 > x1) { x0 = x1; x1 += a; } /* if called with swapped points */
if (y0 > y1) y0 = y1; /* .. exchange them */
y0 += (b+1)/2; y1 = y0-b1;   /* starting pixel */
a *= 8*a; b1 = 8*b*b;

do {
	output.insert(Vector2i(x1, y0), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x0, y0), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x0, y1), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x1, y1), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	//setPixel(x1, y0); /*   I. Quadrant */
	//setPixel(x0, y0); /*  II. Quadrant */
	//setPixel(x0, y1); /* III. Quadrant */
	//setPixel(x1, y1); /*  IV. Quadrant */
	e2 = 2*err;
	if (e2 <= dy) { y0++; y1--; err += dy += a; }  /* y step */
	if (e2 >= dx || 2*err > dy) { x0++; x1--; err += dx += b1; } /* x step */
} while (x0 <= x1);

while (y0-y1 < b) {  /* too early stop of flat ellipses a=1 */
	output.insert(Vector2i(x0 - 1, y0), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x1 + 1, y0++), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x0 - 1, y1), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	output.insert(Vector2i(x1 + 1, y1--), TileMapCell(pattern->get_cell_source_id(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_atlas_coords(used_cells[0]), pattern->get_cell_alternative_tile(used_cells[0])));
	//setPixel(x0-1, y0); /* -> finish tip of ellipse */
	//setPixel(x1+1, y0++);
	//setPixel(x0-1, y1);
	//setPixel(x1+1, y1--);

It’s not production quality (it’s missing tests, doesn’t account for selecting multiple source tiles, and doesn’t implement random tiles), but it kind of works! With very limited knowledge and a couple of hours (mostly spent on trying to understand an algorithm), I was able to tweak Godot to add something I desperately wanted for years.

The Godot developers deserve some serious props for organizing their project such that a game programming ignoramus like myself could get hacking on the editor so productively in such a short time. Since I didn’t run into an organic case to cite the last two lessons, I’ll expound upon them here:

4. Take the code at its word. If a function says that it accesses data from a tile map, great! You don’t need to look at the guts of that function until you have cause to suspect it’s doing something wrong, and only do so then. Computers are largely deterministic - use this fact to your advantage. The more you can file away into your box of “knowns,” the easier it will be to navigate a code-base.

5. Code tells a story. If something looks funky in the code, assume it exists for good reason. It’s possible the author before you was a dumb dumb no nothing, but it’s much safer to assume they added the weird statement for a very specific reason. git blame can help you get to the bottom of mysteries as well, so keep it in your tool belt!

Abusing Operator Comma

First off, I’d like to preface this discussion by saying DO NOT DO THIS. There is currently a proposal to deprecate the use of the comma operator in subscripting expressions in order to allow for proper multidimensional overloads. This would allow us to write array2d[0, 0] rather than needing to rely on undesirable type nesting (for array[0][0]) or “abusing” the function call operator the way Eigen does array2d(0, 0). In section 4, the proposal notably mentions the parsing library Boost Spirit Classic (deprecated since 2009) as one of the few real-world users of this comma abuse technique. Now, with that out of the way:

How many times are you working with your home-grown 2D matrix class and you accidentally mixed up indexing by X/Y vs indexing by Row/Col? Just a few short weeks ago I stumbled on this when rigging up a quick Tetris game. Indexing std::array<std::array<T, COLS>,ROWS> arr with arr[x][y] isn’t just incorrect, it’s embarrassing. Now, I of course read paragraph 1 of this article, so I didn’t actually do this, but I did wonder if there was a way to leverage C++’s type-safe mechanisms to prevent me from making this mistake at compile time… (it’s C++, so the answer is obviously “yes, with some effort.”)

Using the power of user defined literals and overloading the comma operator, we can simulate multi-dimensional subscript operators, and overload on types! We simply make types for Coordinates in forms of X, Y, Row, and Column. Next, create our user defined literals for convenience. Finally, create our comma operators and leverage a common MatrixIndex type, which interprets the coordinates in a common form.

#include <array>

#include <iostream>

struct CoordinateX { size_t value; };
constexpr CoordinateX operator""_x(size_t x) { return { x }; }

struct CoordinateY { size_t value; };
constexpr CoordinateY operator""_y(size_t y) { return { y }; }

struct Col { size_t value; };
constexpr Col operator""_col(size_t col) { return { col }; }

struct Row { size_t value; };
constexpr Row operator""_row(size_t row) { return { row }; }

struct MatrixIndex {
  size_t row;
  size_t col;
constexpr MatrixIndex operator,(CoordinateX x, CoordinateY y) {
  return { y.value, x.value };
constexpr MatrixIndex operator,(Row row, Col col) {
  return { row.value, col.value };

template <typename T, size_t ROWS, size_t COLS>
class Matrix {
  constexpr T& operator[](MatrixIndex idx) { return _matrix[idx.row][idx.col]; }

  std::array<std::array<T, COLS>, ROWS> _matrix;

int main()
  Matrix<int, 3, 2> matrix{};

  matrix[0_row, 0_col] = 1;
  matrix[1_row, 0_col] = 2;
  matrix[2_row, 0_col] = 3;
  matrix[1_x, 0_y]     = 9;
  matrix[1_x, 1_y]     = 8;
  matrix[1_x, 2_y]     = 7;

  for (size_t row = 0; row < 3; ++row) {
    std::cout << "[ ";
    for (size_t col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
      std::cout << matrix[Row{ row }, Col{ col }] << ", ";
    std::cout << "]\n";

  return 0;

And we get the following, just as we’d expect:

[ 1, 9, ]
[ 2, 8, ]
[ 3, 7, ]

For bonus points, compile with C++17 to get constexpr subscript operators on std::array. And vuala, you now have the power to perturb friends and coworkers alike.

Getting started with C++ on Windows - Installation

So you want to start programming with C++ and you’re using Windows. Great! Microsoft’s reputation for incredible developer tools is well earned. We’re going to get set up with Microsoft Visual Studio (note that this is different than vscode), the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (MSVC), the CMake meta build system, vcpkg package manager, and Git version control. If you don’t know what some of that means, worry not! We’ll go step by step!

  1. Go to https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ and download “Visual Studio 2019 - Community”. This will be our integrated development environment (IDE) for C++. Like Microsoft Word, but for code. The community edition is free for hobbyists.
  2. You should see a screen that resembles the following:

Figure 1

If you’re crunched for disk space, you can just select the following:

* "MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools"
* "Windows 10 SDK"
* "C++ CMake tools for Windows"

Don’t worry if the versions aren’t exactly the same.

  1. Optionally, if you’re interested in programming for Linux or IoT, select the following:

Figure 2

* "C++ CMake tools for Linux"
* "Embedded and IoT development tools"
  1. Click “Install” and buckle up–the download will take some time.

  2. Install a git client (if you’re already familiar with git, a client is not necessary). Git is a popular “source control” program that helps developers track revisions of the code they make, collaborate, and keep backups. Here are some popular options that are free for hobbyists:

Standard installation options for any of these should be fine.

  1. Clone the vcpkg repository using your git client. This is a “package manager”–it will install useful libraries that will let us do more with less code. Open the clone menu for your git client, and provide the following link: https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git.

    • GitKraken:
      • Click “File”
      • Click “Clone”
      • Click “Clone with URL”
      • Paste the vcpkg link in “URL”
      • Click “Clone the repo!”
    • Source Tree:
      • Click “Clone/New”
      • Click “Clone Repository”
      • Paste the vcpkg link in “Source Path / URL”
      • Click “Clone”
    • SmartGit:
      • Click “Project”
      • Click “Clone…”
      • Paste the vcpkg link in “Repository URL:”
      • Click “Select”
      • Click “Next”
      • Click “Finish”

Note the path of the directory vcpkg was cloned to.

  1. Launch the command prompt. You can do this by right clicking the start menu, selecting “Run”, typing “cmd”, and clicking “OK”.

  2. In your cmd, type cd "<path-to-vcpkg>", where <path-to-vcpkg> is the directory you cloned vcpkg to.

  3. In your cmd, run .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat

  4. In your cmd, run .\vcpkg integrate install

  5. In your cmd, run .\vcpkg install gtest:x64-windows We have just installed our first package–Google’s very own unit testing framework!

  6. Create a folder to put your C++ project in. I’ll name mine “main”.

  7. In your “main” folder, create a file named “CMakeLists.txt” with the following contents:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
  1. In your “main” folder, create a file named “main.cpp” with the following contents:
#include <cstdio>

int main()
    std::puts("Hello, world!");
    return 0;
  1. Open Visual Studio, and select “File” -> “Open CMake…” -> <select your main folder>

  2. In Visual Studio, click on the Configuration drop-down in the main toolbar and choose “Manage Configurations…”

Figure 3 - Thanks, Microsoft

  1. In “CMake toolchain file:”, paste <vcpkg-clone-dir>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake

  2. Click on the Play button at the top of the page. You should see a console window containing the text “Hello, world!”);